15天内原名:15日間,又名15日间、15 Days
Forcing himself to confront his own 16mm camera each day for over two weeks, Suzuki Shiroyasu initially seems to regret his own idea and indulges in very recalcitrant behaviour. Not until halfway through the ******* does he address the camera **** candidly and start to question his own identity, as well as his relationships with his own milieu and other social structures. The r...
“Wait and See” 有这个片本身已可以算小型奇迹。典型的70年代日本实验电影,同时具备私密性与社会反思。15天的日记体叙事成为铃木志郎康一张充满矛盾的自画像,一方面是他多身份夜猫子生活的忠实记录,另一方面也是对媒介形态和特性的严肃探索。从开场背对摄影机到中段起更坦然开放的身体姿态变化极为有趣。