Shifty, a young crack ******* dealer in London, sees his life quickly spiral out of control when his best friend returns home. Stalked by a customer desperate to score at all costs, and with his family about to turn their back on him for good, Shifty must out-run and out-smart a rival drug dealer, intent on setting him up for a big fall. As his long time friend Chris, confronts...
原创性太差了 这种别人用了一万遍的twist也好意思使
Shifty 与Chris 漫长而不幸的一天,Chris 想让老朋友放弃**,找个工作好好生活,只是**使shifty 陷得太深,即使最后的反转看似化险为夷,但躲得了初一,躲不过十五
是为james这家伙的新片去体验下导演短片之外的东西去的,艾玛 音乐好棒啦,他作品真的有种非常干净又冷静的美感