比尔·马厄:做个成年人原名:Bill Maher: #Adulting,又名#Adulting
Filmed at Miami's Fillmore Theater, Bill Maher's latest stand-up special sees the acclaimed comedian, host, and satirist take the stage for a hilarious and scathing hour of his signature commentary on the latest hot-button issues. Maher brings his no-holds-barred perspective to cancel culture, quarantine, Q-Anon... and everything in-between.
微博上的资源还存着,b站上的已在上传了一天左右后被删。期待值太高,因此意犹未尽,还希望彪马爷多讲个俩小时。 有些熟悉的段子;压轴笑话还可以——从新高度审视自己或难堪或不幸的体验,能创造出蕴含智慧的表演艺术。ali wang的讲真话风格好像往他这靠了
3.5-3.8|“朱利安尼是唯一被大蒜吸引的吸血鬼”笑死……getting fetus drunk, cancel God, liberals-evolution, unconventional babysitter梗不错
从没喜欢过 Bill Maher,他对我来说实在太左。但当他都能在一小时单口里一直喷***和自由派的取消文化、政治正确、跨性别的某些主张的时候,你就知道连左派自己都受不了这些了。不知钟摆还要往左摆多远,我只知道往左摆越用力,往右回摆时也会摆越远。
脑袋快长包了感觉 i feel i intentionally killed the thing i love the most.
有些许老段子renew,听多了追下来太清楚他下一句要说什么,就好比good morning那段,就知道要跟f*ck your white privileged morning。 总体而言,感觉跟adulting还是切题的,没有很密集的新观点。我觉得**一代未必爱他这种 cancel **. who cancels.
“I’m still the same pot-smoking, childless, unmarried libertine I always was. I have many flaws, but you cannot accuse me of maturing.” ;))
Very confusing. Should we be ****** fun of abortion? Female consent?