播种者原名:Le Semeur,又名Le semeur
Violette is old enough to marry in 1852 when her mountain village is brutally deprived of all its men following the repression of the Republicans ordered by Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte. The women spend months in total isolation. Desperate to one day see their men again, they take an oath: if a man comes, he will be for everyone. Life must continue in the belly of each and every on...
摄影和制作都很赞 用油画风光讲述一个笑中带泪的故事 单身男子误入**村:你用诗情画意来接近我 以为我们能比翼**实践monogamy 结果是你的***派你来引诱我 把我当种马才是真正目的 结局:你们的男人们要回来了 对我用完即弃
很少见的题材 南法小乡村就是这个感觉滴 拍的真美 人物也自然 处处让人浮想到优美的画作 好想再去**呀~
4.5, ***** showing of female sensuality and desire.