不速归客 第二季原名:Back Season 2,又名归来
Typical English quiet desperation. They love watching their main characters getting defeated on various fronts in all aspects of life. The whining gets old after a while. Besides, none of these characters was nearly as amusing and infuriating as Frank Spencer or Jemma Collins. 🙄
结局太喜欢了 顺便英剧真的就那么点人是吗 又看到hh六人组成员了
就很犹豫要不要看,怕失望,但是万一好看又太少了怎么办。。//越看到后面越**状态,Webb can gaslight me all he wants
后半搞事 e5 老年反诈指南,again 巨坑不填就砍了? 如果还有(当然不会有)第三季第四季A将会像"连环**"一样sabotage所有家庭 Loser沉浮史