拉斯普丁与皇后原名:Rasputin and the Empress,又名拉斯普丁、拉斯普京、参谋长与皇后、拉斯普京与皇后、Rasputin the Mad Monk
As Europe looms on the edge of war in 1913, the family and members of the court of the Russian czar Nicholas come under the sway of a mysterious mystic named Rasputin. When Rasputin miraculously appears to cure the czar's son Alyosha of his hemophilia, the monk's reputation is cemented, particularly in the mind of the princess Natasha. Natasha's fiancé (and, later, husband) Pri...
[故园**] 《拉斯普京与皇后》1932年,俄语,自己做的中字,480p/奥斯卡
1934.5.4 晚蕴如及三弟来,饭后与广平共四人至上海大戏院观《拉斯普丁》。