沉睡的黑人原名:The Sleeping Negro,
Confronted with a series of racially charged incidents, a young black man must overcome rage, alienation, and hopelessness in order to find his own humanity.
#70th IFFMH Online# 首映2021Slamdance。导演是个老塔粉丝,搬演了包括《镜子》《牺牲》(悬浮)《潜行者》(杯子)《乡愁》(**胸口飞出麻雀)等一堆名场面,也是在美国片里难得一见。不过基本上只要有除了主演之外任何另外一个演员,那表演都很尴尬(没准是导演想要的效果?)对黑人身份政治(pressure of being black)的探讨还是蛮有思辨性的。
Slamdance #5 其实**上有很多地方可圈可点,meditative slow cinema, some horror buildup, experimental edits juxtaposition. 但两段最长的争吵戏真的。。。台词可以更好些,现在这样play out真的很像说明文议**(包括其他地方主角的内心独白)。Show not tell, this one is all telling with little shown,除了开头结尾连起来的eviction case,可以说是全片最大亮点——结尾这种处理(拍男主起身武装自己,你以为他真的重生了他的**终于要来了)倒也是一种“反转”,那种anti-GetOut的,更真实更无奈更绝望的结局。
“****, again.”which toned things down, being **** in keeping with societal toleration to black there. The filming method is far from the mainstream American film(at the racial vision) Use pioneering way to shoot the self-identity issues under social class disorder & race (generally cannot do without those themes)
不管是拍片过程还是影片本身都充满了愤怒,小成本短时间的爆发作品,几个对话场景的文本很有力,具有现实意义的black cinema
感受到了导演想表达的对无形种族歧视的愤怒 疯狂致敬塔可夫斯基有点意思 诗意地 实验地讨论现实问题