CLEO is played by Anna Franziska Jäger and is the story of a 17-year-old girl that survives a traumatic car accident, in which her parents died. After that fatal night, she loses herself in Brussels and seeks refuge with the older, mysterious Leos. Her father was a famous concert pianist and she has been playing as well since she was a child. Although she often listens to conte...
刺猬與女王的小Karo,如今亭亭玉立,嘗試飾演一位家中遭逢變故的**者,迷失在大城市裡,如何重新找回自己的價值,與揮別傷痛的記憶。首次觀賞Eva Cools這位女導演的作品,她曾擔任The Broken Circle Breakdown的Casting;正因如此,電影在節奏上,甚至「音樂」這個設定,多少都受到影響。