贪婪者原名:Les voraces,又名The Voracious Ones、Les voraces
Dark, decadent, morbid, passionate - and 34 years later still the strangest memory regarding ** very own personal history of watching movies since I was five years old. Despite the fact that this French/Italian production from the early seventies delivers incredibly strong performances by Helmut Berger at the peak of his career, the always excellent Francoise Fabian and the fab...
四星:情场如**,终于执着面对自己任性的沉醉。一段不道德的**关系,入肉入骨,非常的醒胃。Françoise Fabian自带撩汉属性,举手投足尽是勾魂摄魄,顺带碾压周遭的各色人等,看了又看,真是*媚的**....
绕着摩托男主全身仰拍旋转镜头表达**人物在深沉思索🤔;阶梯脚步逐渐拉远到街道全景吊观众胃口悬疑;跳切;特写正对镜头独白,逐渐虚焦过曝是**人物把自己叨叨神经了;女主每套衣*草地午餐**出海晚宴都美哭,意大利配音加油管自动翻译纯属瞎猜,空耳的我时不时笑出元首的眼泪😂 居然follow了剧情…配乐稍有TVB感。紧身喇叭裤牛仔短夹克加白T好妖艳又欲又拽又清新!HB啃个苹果手指尖都是戏,不动声色撩到爆,没话说。