Crazy Sexy Cool: the TLC story
Don't go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all. But I think you're moving too fast.
一般般吧 专辑是好听 这片拍得太次了
talking bout getting the facts STRAIGHT! 太多iconic moment了,grammy 'broke as broke can be' speech, lisa setting house on fire, the fight between left eye & the girls. VH1的biopic能做成这样以及很不容易了,居然还重新拍了三四个MV的片段,作为粉丝都快泪目了。很多镜头都要仔细看才能看清楚居然是演员而不是本人。VH1的cheesy电影能做成这样真的是放了很多心血在里面,kudos.