冲撞乐队:朋克年代原名:The Clash: The Punk Era,
Arguably "The Only Band That Matters", The Clash formed in 1976 and captured the attention of the world with six spectacular albums,securing their rightful place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Former Clash drummer Terry 'Tory Crimes' Chimes dishes the dirt on the story of the birth of punk in Tory Crimes And Other Tales. Essential viewing for every fan, this incisive progra...
找了各路好友和评论家进行讲述的一部纪录片。很有意思的一点是片子在讲到开始美国巡演前戛然而止,似乎有意为之(还专门放了83 US Festival上唱I’m So Bored with the USA的footage,简直cringeworthy,故意的吧……(我还是很喜欢Johnny Green