类型: 纪录片
语言:英语 / Serbo-Croatian
导演: Steve York
演员: 斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇
打倒独裁者原名:Bringing Down a Dictator,
Bringing Down A Dictator documents the spectacular defeat of Slobodan Milosevic in October, 2000, not by force of arms, as many had predicted, but by an ingenious nonviolent strategy of honest elections and massive civil disobedience. Milosevic was strengthened by patriotic fervor when NATO bombed Yugoslavia in early 1999, but a few months later, a student movement named Otpor!...
挺对我胃口的 55分钟在睡眠匮乏的下午也不会驱散注意力
the power of nonviolence- love in action!
关于塞尔维亚非暴力抵抗运动、成功**前总统米洛塞维奇。”We succeeded because we simply love life **** than them. We were a group of fans of life. ... you can't beat a life.“
他们对于来自美国和外界的援助毫不避讳 经济上和政治策略上的辅导 充满**的年轻人 摇滚**-- 这些其实并不是安全的**信号 要评价一场** 它留下的政治财产也应该纳入考虑 (中间非暴力理论学者表示应把非暴力当作战争进行部署**的观点也挺有意思的)
今天上课时老师放的。讲述塞尔维亚如何通过non-violent movement **米洛舍维奇的政权。就是太短了,感觉很多东西没有讲清楚。
非暴力抗争**米洛塞维奇的青年们。教科书式的民间运动,几乎没有*作上的失误。分散**中心,坚持非暴力,嘲笑戏弄权威,占领国会,说*各***形成统一**,农村包围城市,全国罢工。Gene Sharp非暴力抗争小册子的最佳实践。