别名:Полёт через Атлантический океан / Flight over the Atlantic
类型: 传记 历史
语言:立陶宛语 / 英语 / 法语
导演: 莱蒙达斯·瓦巴拉斯
演员: 雷吉曼塔斯·阿多迈蒂斯 尤奥扎斯·布德赖蒂斯 Gediminas Girdvainis Valentinas Masalskis Remigijus Sabulis
飞越大西洋原名:Skrydis per Atlantą,又名Полёт через Атлантический океан、Flight over the Atlantic
Lithuanian pilots Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas are preparing for the legendary flight over the Atlantic Ocean in 1933. Their goal is to take off from New York and land in Lithuanian capital of Kaunas with their small single-engine plane “Lituanica”. The film reveals heroic persistence of two Lithuanians who are dreaming to see their homeland again and who are determined t...