分而治之:罗杰艾尔斯的故事原名:Divide and Conquer: The Story of Roger Ailes,
A documentary that explores the rise and fall of the late Roger Ailes from his early ***** influence on the Nixon presidency to his controversial leadership at Fox News.
请的很多算是"受害人",所以肯定是一部anti roger的left wing documentary
看出来《最响亮的声音》大多是基于本纪录片。电视**的观众造就了Roger Ailes,造就了Fox新闻和米帝政治形态。随着**的崛起,女性力量的觉醒,才会真正埋葬这一切,结果就在后天的大统领选举。
毫无疑问罗杰艾尔斯是一个极具野心也富有才华的媒体人,但是FOX新闻台从建立之初就放弃了新闻中立主义原则,沿袭了默多克***通俗八卦吸引眼球收视至上的传统,很大程度上改变了美国政治与媒体的关系。至于私生活,他和随后女性运动中**的那些人,Matt Lauer,Bill O'Reilly,Charlie Rose一样,都是**。
2019-06-05 glenn beck got out, 'thank you at least gave the conservatives a chance to have a voice', roger's eyes welled up, 'i still have a president to pick'; ailes: 'the ny and hollywood elites, they think their *** is to drag the rest of the redneck morons toward the light, they don't understand 'the people who grew up w values''; 2018-12-21 'invent news not cover the news:fox designed to look like news network, really an entertainment network; keep hammering at the fiction;'
fox News founder forced out because of sexual harassment accusations.
Roger Ailes的双面人生,片中提及了他对于包括**参选总统、Fox电视台的重要性(甚至是美国),以及他的性丑闻和为此付出的代价,观众能看到的,只有他们所相信的。