罪恶城原名:Fragment of Fear,
Richard Sarafian is a decidedly underrated director. After finally seeing this, it's satisfying to report his VANISHING POINT was not a flash-in-the-***. FRAGMENT...does not move at the same pace, nor does it get the viewer involved quite as quickly, but once you're about twenty minutes in, you're hooked until the end as Sarafian and screenwriter Dehn continually manipulate rea...
配乐不错 阴谋搞得像过家家一样无趣幼稚 比起意大利同行差太多 海明斯演这种神经质倒是不错
导演在Vanishing Point前的一部惊悚片,情节技巧俱佳,在车上收到陌生人递来的威胁信竟然出自自家打字机然后整个公寓顿时危机四伏这段拍得真好,摧毁一个人不用**,只需设局让旁人甚至他自己都不能相信他自己。此类精神奔溃型的角色最衬托主演的水平和美貌,海明斯好样的。
……这片看了*死人 越到后面越要把我*疯 结局我是不太满意 很纠结 说实话感觉氛围就很铅黄那意思 毕竟是deep red的演员 还有这配乐