罐头工厂街原名:Cannery Row,
A depressed section of Monterey, California, known as Cannery Row from its string of now-empty canning plants is the backdrop for an offbeat romantic comedy about a pair of mismatched lovers. Doc is a lonely marine biologist (and former baseball star) who supplies specimens for science labs and classrooms. Suzy is a scrappy drifter who can't even succeed as a prostitute because...
剧本没有戏剧性的 "钩子",因而无法构筑悬念。故事核心是两人之间时断时续的恋情,但他们都不是很有趣的角色。最令人印象深刻的是美术设计,然而,灯光和摄影又让布景廉价了不少,看着像一个舞台剧场景。