鬼魂传奇原名:La légende du fantôme,又名Legend of a *****。1908年悬疑、短片类型片,创作于**地区,具有法语语言版本。由Segundo de Chomón执导,于1908公映。
有些古怪。灯光变化。车等道具有Le Fils du Diable (1906)影响。叙事不清晰。
多层景片 水洞花车 蛙男蚌精 群演搅戏(早期照明 & 烟火
转自*******评论,补充冷知识:Julienne Mathieu was De Chomon's wife, and didn't just act in the films, she did some of the off-camera work too, and introduced de chomon to pathecolor, then one of the only colorization processes in the world. Edit: The frog costume seen in several scenes is possibly the frog costume used in The Frog (1908)...