归属问题原名:A Question of Attribution,又名"Screen One": A Question of Attribution
Sir Anthony Blunt, who was a Soviet agent for 25 years, is routinely questioned and gives no answers, but is knighted and works as Director of the Courtauld Institute, and presents his interrogator with a puzzle in the shape of a doubtful Titian painting. He also does art restoration work in Buckingham Palace, where he gets into an interesting conversation with HMQ.
关于“剑桥五杰”之一的Sir Anthony Blunt~James Fox真像老年的Blunt
something is not what it is said to be
以提香一张存疑之作为衬托,一点点展现在黑暗沉迹中隐秘已久的第三人、第四人,或者还有第五人。(如果说安东尼**特是一个间谍,那么,他也应该是一个绝对优雅的间谍。正如片中所言“也许,您会失去一切,但是不会失去艺术”) 英国人演绎这样的题材,真是妙不可言。
好像Anthony blunt!这个真心棒!
其实Blunt说话没这么夸张吧~ 不过心理细节把握得真好~