海上往事原名:Once Upon a Sea,
Once Upon a Sea is a poetic, interactive XR documentary telling the tragic tale of the legendary Dead Sea. Through a physical exploration of the sea’s forbidden, moonlike landscapes, to intimate encounters with local characters, the user gets a rare glimpse into one of the world’s most dangerous,soon to be extinct, wonders. Centuries of human intervention and political neglect ...
#VeneziaVR2020 ** Centquatre-Paris
#77thVenice-杭州国美# 创作思路还是比较传统的诗意纪录片,所以剪辑或曰转场不太符合VR的规律,看着比较闹心,并且导致诗意的旁白几乎无效了。做了一些交互,自然类的VR纪录片挺常用的手法,最早看[格陵兰在消融]时候就有不少了,现在的发展也就是流畅了许多。
题材很独特,Photogrammetry做得很美,jump cut一样的转场也挺有意思的,像哈利波特里的“门钥匙”。不过交互略鸡肋,观众还是处于被动聆听的位置。旁白塞太满了,破坏了神秘气质,好在旁白演员表达得很好。最后一段You've called me the dead sea since the human memory, but I'm alive and giving lives写得好好,诗意忧伤的人类绝唱,不考虑写成一首歌吗?
没想过纪录片的形式能这样完美的融入vr 艺术家的生命以这样的方式被打开 像游戏也像梦境