好姿态原名:Good Posture,
With her widower father currently living it up in Paris with a young, new girlfriend, Lilian (Van Patten) has been placed into the care of family friends over in Brooklyn, New York. Under the roof of famed author, Julia Price (Mortimer), Lilian has no real motivation to live any other lifestyle than that of her hermit housemate. To impress her ex-boyfriend, and the other cynics...
only named as good posture not a good film though
为了去看美又温柔的Emily Mortimer)三个英国**拍出的一部带着浓重伦敦味的纽约小品,非常日常的布鲁克林
从一开始不爱女孩到最后深深为每一个镜头下的她着迷 纽约在这部电影里美到让人无比向往 布鲁克林 我爱电影里所有的Sound Track 这是相互的成长 我会一直喜爱用书写交流的方式
BFI PREVIEW 12天拍摄完成,英国女导演视角讲纽约故事。其实蛮可爱的,叙事上有些鲍姆**的感觉,有痕迹能看出来。现在的小演员真的好会演,grace可以看做潜力股观望一下。
有够粗糙 也没讲啥东西 但在飞机上看的我好几次想嚎啕大哭