皇家新年前夜原名:Royal New Year's Eve,
Magazine assistant and aspiring fashion designer Caitlyn's world is turned upside down when Prince Jeffrey and his presumed future fiancé Lady Isabelle come to town. Isabelle hires Caitlyn to design a dress for the royal New Year's *** ball where Jeffrey is expected to propose, which could launch the fashion career she's always dreamed about. Navigating through her **** Abigail...
en français, "Un Noël de conte de fées". 学到了je m'en occupe。看女主有点眼熟,一查果然……我已经看过一部女主演的圣诞电影。这圈子是不是有点小,总看圣诞电影还真是有点题材单一,哇哈哈