I Am Somebody
反过来看**的女性太卑微了,能挺身而出说:“I am somebody”原来是件这么勇敢的事情。
1,Mandeline女士制作的美国60年代黑人运动的教科书,对比《Kinshasa Makambo》纪录的刚果2018年的政治运动:一个成功,一个失败:在同个国家内不同肤色的政治运动,难度是很大,但是也比在同个国家内的政治运动小。2,Madeline Anderson女士的电影vs其他电影,就是戈达尔在5月风暴选择的电影vs特吕弗和其他电影。
A 113-day strike by black women workers in hospital in Charleston with the success of an increase in wage but also a recognition of soul power as a union.
抗争哪有不流血流泪,抗争永远唯一的前提都是团结,感叹他们的团结。u have to support poor people too coz *** poor people,按国情此处poor people可替换成women,本来就缺乏mar*hing的条件了,还天天敲键盘吵架比给谁扣的帽子更危言耸听,哈哈真受不了啦
if i didn’t learn but one thing, it was that if you are ready and willing to fight for yourself, other folks will be ready and willing to fight for you.