埃莱扎·施莱辛格:战妆原名:Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint,
Her innocent good looks are just a cover for Last Comic Standing winner Iliza Shlesinger's acerbic| stream-of-conscious comedy that she unleashes on an unsuspecting audience in her hometown of Dallas in her stand-up special "War Paint."
我不想承认、因为我也是女的,不过不得不说。sometimes cunts just not funny!!!浪费我20分钟
看完几天后,只依稀记得讲了些我没看过的广告,然后就是说女生出门都是在“**”的,化妆品是war paint,然后学一些小怪物。内容和风格与后期基本一致,不过相对粗糙一些。基本没怎么笑过
为了避免直男癌看个女comedian结果看一肚子气,说女孩子都怎么怎么着的时候拜托speak for yourself好吧。。
气势惊人。可能我对 Miranda 型喜剧演员都没啥抵抗能力……
口条贼棒!非常豁的出去哈哈哈哈~ 关键我觉得她还很漂亮~
She is probably the worst comedian I have ever seen. Not funny in the slightest, and she makes way to many annoying sounds.
**惊人,独眼猫的call back绝了