仅有爱是不够的原名:When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story,又名洛伊斯·威尔逊传
Based on the true story of the enduring but troubled love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her alcoholic husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.
"Our hearts do not need logic. They can love and forgive and accept that which our minds cannot comprehend. Hearts understand in ways minds cannot." The title of this movie breaks ** heart.
winona独挑大梁的戏,很真诚,终于为winona松口气,她这回摆脱了***和疯癫女的戏路开始认真演戏了。不过时光不饶人啊,岁月的痕迹也侵蚀了winona“Lois Burnham Wilson, a Founder Of Al-Anon Groups, Is Dead at 97”
还是希望薇诺娜依旧是那个演技不行年纪轻轻的傻姑娘 你不用演 你只要年轻就好了 BP终于混到主角 表演很用力 摩托车的桥段好美
It's a beautiful movie to watch, with lush sets and costumes. The pacing is good, as well. 3 star
这电影挺好的呀 7分应该还是有的 要是薇诺娜搭配德普 德普演男主的话 OMG
哪里有中文字幕啊?~~哦Winona~your eyes&voice is always so beautiful~~近年难得的noni'film~~真正的“薇诺娜”的电影~~can't love u ****~