旧时不复原名:Bad Tidings,
After a quarrel with her husband at the Midsomer Mallow residents association's Spanish Evening, Julia Thompson walks home, but never arrives. She is found the next morning in Chaney's Field, having been stabbed to death. Barnaby investigates with his new Detective Sergeant, Dan Scott, in tow. An early suspect is the village odd *** man, Jacob Stoat. Cully Barnaby meanwhile org...
1.本集是第二位助手Scott首次出场,案情一般,不过Helen Grace的表演很精彩,老友重逢物是人非的气氛营造得更是出色;2.这集最touch的地方在于每起**过后凶手总会在**身边留下一件玩具,但并非什么死前留言,只是凶手每次犯案后就越发怀念过去,主观想把自己所做的一切只当成一场游戏。
新来的助手Scott好帅好帅!嘴又甜! 探长女儿cully心血来潮的同学聚会。 往日时光过去就过去了,强行追忆必有苦果。