Stille Nacht I: Dramolet原名:Stille Nacht I: Dramolet,
A square magnet skitters across a bare courtyard, watched by a puppet from the window. It gradually attracts iron filings, which progressively coat the entire exterior of the building. The puppet turns from the window and looks in a bowl on the ***** in front of him. It is also full of iron filings, swaying in a similar motion. As dozens of spoons emerge from the wall behind hi...
[5.0/5.0]「奎氏兄弟透過《沉靜夜之危險來襲》(Dramolet)、《沉靜夜之婚姻危機》(Are We Still Married)、《沉靜夜之維也納森林的童話》(Tales from the Vienna Woods)、」
德拉默** Stille Nacht I (1988)
所谓的恐怖片 ****://***.tudou****/programs/view/6F9D4uhfP6A/
磁铁 金属 陶瓷 brothersquay总能把不同材质的物质放到一起 异常creepy
寂静的夜晚,豹狼的时刻,思绪像无数铁屑,被可怕的黑暗所吸引着,控制着,越生越多, 把一切都覆盖了, 我想我最后也会被埋没吧.