矩阵谋杀案原名:The Oblong Murders,
Bullard asks Barnaby to investigate when friends' daughter Lucy Oliver goes missing after joining the Oblong Foundation,a new age group leasing a house from Ruth Lambert,whose parents died in an explosion on their boat. Dan Jones goes undercover as a new inductee and hears group leader Dominic Segal take a call implying there has been foul play. Local publicans the Powells tell...
Barry Jackson (法医) 的"威胁"起效了, 本集他的戏份稍微多了点.
又一个silly motive,本来前半段设计得很吸引人,而且难得没有非主流元素**扰眼球,可到最后又是这么一个不可信的结尾,开头那个老头死的太冤了,做了个见证人就要被灭口,人家招谁惹谁了?
S14E04 难道也要和George Byebye 了。