狂野的青春原名:Deuces Wild,又名纽约青帮、野蛮对决
Two brothers, Leon and Bobby are members of the street gang in Brooklyn known as the deuces. Their brother was killed by a drug overdose a few years earlier and the gang is determined to keep drugs off their block. Another **** vicous gang known as the vipers is a possible threat to Leon and Bobby's efforts. The deuces are determined to do whatever is necessary to keep drugs of...
嘴哥戏份也忒少了 就在男主身边跟不得宠小老婆似的晃两下就完了 娘泡弟弟大反派戏份倒挺多的....剧情弱爆了 男主那挂太**看着就烦
冲演员来的, 有点失望。看不下去
想看JAMES FRANCO的可以观看此片,想看BRAD RENFRO的不要看此片,会毁坏曾经你心中那个美好的正太,不知道为什么美少年消逝这么快,话说JF还比BR大四岁呢,BR才20不到啊!!!!就残成这样了!!!!别看!!!!!!
Let the Devil Wear Black是山寨哈姆雷特,这个山寨罗朱(对老美来说是西区故事),弩妹儿那时候怎么都接这种片啊orz