奇迹之书原名:La chambre des merveilles,又名The Book of Wonders
The story revolves around Thelma, who is devastated when Louis, her 12-year-old son, falls into a deep coma after an accident. When she discovers his “end-of-the-world bucket list”, she realises how adventurous and creative Louis is. With the hope of bringing her son back from the brink, she decides to make his wishes come true… From Japan to Portugal, Thelma embarks on an adve...
Avant-première. 两位编剧有出席。电影本身改编自同名畅销小说,但改动应该不小。作品有美景,有部分有趣的片段,但最该有的感动,一点也没有。整体一种电视电影的质感。很生硬。 PS: **人对日本文化的喜爱又一次体现了,以及女主的**羽绒*真的太丑了。