第四位受害者原名:La última señora Anderson,又名Death at the Deep End of the Swimming Pool
A wealthy Englishman finds his third wife dead. After the police discover that his first two wives had also died suddenly, an investigation is launched. Meanwhile, a new neighbour moves in and she seems to become very interested in Arthur.
……三流铅黄 比普通的丈夫杀妻骗保故事曲折了点 牵扯到一个被顶替身份的疯** 结局令人无***说 还有如果开始就猜到了baker的身份 那不用怀疑 剩下都是***
西班牙铅黄 配乐不错 **间阴谋猜忌的套路 只是阴谋过于简单无聊,明显比不上伦齐的偏执狂和福尔克的暴风眼 导演很有可能受过伦齐的影响