淘气托托大冒险原名:Les Blagues de Toto,
Back-to-school! For troublemaker Toto, it’s the best playground for fooling around. When a sculpture collapses during the opening of a museum, Toto is immediately blamed. To prove his innocence, Toto has no other option but ****** a pact with Igor, the school nerd. In exchange for his ****, Toto will **** Igor being cool. The unlikely duo turns into little detectives. A fun and...
哈哈哈,喜欢人家就剪人头发 (01:23:47)
太好看了!笑死我了!哈哈哈!还很有寓意,很多情节很有意思! 叫托托的不会出卖朋友!!!