联盟的骄傲:波士顿凯尔特人原名:The Association:Boston Celtics,又名联盟的骄傲
ESPN will debut a behind-the-scenes documentary following the Boston Celtics next month, with the five-episode series set to give a glimpse of the Green in their quest for Banner 18. Here's **** from a press release from NBA Entertainment: NBAE cameras will provide an up-close, behind-the-scenes look at the Celtics throughout the 2010-11 season. From the “Big Three” of Kevin Ga...
What hurts ****,the pain of hard work,or the pain of regret
once a celtic,always a celtic
雄起吧 绿巨人 下赛季走着瞧咱!
看的热血沸腾热泪盈眶,简直就是灌篮高手的真人版故事!GO CELTICS!
波士顿是个老派城市,坚韧、忠诚、念旧,人们坚信耕耘就会有收获,坦诚相待。凯尔特人就是这座城市的化身,我虽然无法上场打球,但我能够感觉到自己是球队的一部分,所有波士顿人都能感觉到自己是球队的一部分。最沉甸甸的不是成功,而是你为成功付出的汗水。 ——from Chris Evans