茅屋原名:De Wigwam,又名The Flaming Arrow
1911年,13岁的伊文思在家人的协助下拍摄了一部长200米的影片《茅屋》,只是他的第一部电影习作。 On the age of 13 Joris Ivens was fond of Cowboys and Indians stories, so he decided to invent one himself. He made a script and used a camera from his father's shop. This became his first film Wigwam, with his own family as cast. Black Eagle, a bad indian, kidnaps the daughter of a farmer's family. Flaming Arrow, played by the ...
1. 一卡一卡的摇镜有意思。2. 印第安人杀印第安人。
片名The Tipi,故事狗血,镜头单一,***全靠生硬的移动三脚架神马。。。作为学习怎么filming的习作,还可以,家人的表演还算过硬
**伊文思13岁就拍了这部片,有故事,还会摇镜,给跪了。Easy plot, written by Joris Ivens himself, who also plays the leading role. The rest of the cast includes members of his own family.
at 中国电影资料馆艺术影院 of 伊文思电影展。早期默片。