棉园农歌原名:The Cabin in the Cotton,
Sharecropper's son Marvin tries to **** his community overcome poverty and ignorance. While working in the general store he learns that the owner has been cheating his tenants. He is in love with owner's daughter, Madge, but sides with the tenants in his threat to expose the planters and their cheating.
I'd like to **** you, but I just washed ** hair.
可以说是相当离谱的故事,农民小学生游走于资本家和种植园工人之间,最后还让资本家签下了他拟定的新合同。这个本来是励志的故事却还安排了处在对立双方的两位女主同时爱上了这位小学生,两位姑娘,特别是资本方,性暗示相当明显,小学生的左右为难常常被一吻摧毁,接着在完事后的第二天继续摇摆,终于,影片**了Forbidden Hollywood片单,整个影片的安排,有点史前剥削片的意思了。。。
"God-damned-nothing-no-good-sexless-son-of-a-*****" for a virgin......hahhahhahahahahahah. 镜头还是很不错的
#Be Bound To / Be Destined To# Cast:Dorothy Jordan;默男Richard Barthelmess;Bette Davis厌恶综合征