Modris (17) is no better or worse than his peers. He goes to school, has a girlfriend, some good friends. His gambling addiction makes his relationship with mother difficult. They live alone and she doesn't miss a chance to remind him his father is in prison and Modris has a bad gene. Their boiling relationship goes over the lid, when Modris pawns his mother's electric heater, ...
Modris (17) is no better or worse than his peers. He goes to school, has a girlfriend, some good friends. His gambling addiction makes his relationship with mother difficult.
7.0 主角面对的冲突来自他与母亲的关系,目标是找到自己的父亲,面对的危险来自施加到他身上的缓刑,从第一幕到第三幕这个角色的生存状态一直在下降,虽然最后他实现了目标,但并没有拯救自己,也没有解决与母亲的冲突。父亲角色缺失,权力机关与中产阶级的冷漠,以及底层社会的残酷是片中几个悲剧元素