莫西斯·斯托姆:垃圾白人原名:Moses Storm Trash White,又名莫西斯·斯托姆:垃圾白、莫西斯·斯托姆:白垃圾
In his wildly original debut special, Storm gets unflinchingly personal about his childhood spent dumpster diving in extreme poverty - despite looking like he was conceived at an Ivy League a cappella concert.
台风讨喜 funny和important兼备 会讲有意思的长故事 整场结构和punchline也做得很好 作为出道单场有这样的表现未来值得期待 而且事实证明只要你的material够丰富 并不需要讲不入流的**** jokes去水时间 (他属于Team Coco的一员也太make sense了 就像在看Conan儿子似的)
He is really talented! 源自儿时贫穷生活的笑料和探讨,多媒体化的呈现形式,crazy beats scary
在布鲁克林看脱口秀偶遇Moses小哥压轴,气场直接碾压全场演员,记住了这个名字。这个special看得五体投地,已经分不清是讲得太好了还是长得太帅了还是舞台设计太**了。I wouldn't say his bit is the funniest or the most insightful, but definitely very unique, and his vibe/performance/movements are so full of energy and one of a kind. 还没仔细研究小哥的身世,一个出身贫困还有dyslexia的人是如何做到语言如此丰富精准的,真是佩*。
有点儿脱离单口了,说是one-man show可能更贴切。很用力但是还挺entertaining
非常棒,不容错过,真情实感没有编造感,又不故意深刻但也引人深思,好笑好玩。crazy beats scary