人民公敌原名:An Enemy of the People,又名抗暴先锋
It’s winter in a small southern Norwegian town in the late nineteenth century. After years of struggling, Dr. Thomas Stockmann and his family – his wife Catherine, their young ***** daughter Petra, and their two adolescent sons Ejlif and Morten – have returned to town after being away for five years up north, he now well respected and successful as the medical resident of the H...
the majorities are wrong! 'the people' it must be earned or else it was just a bunch of animals!
有点让我感到压抑的一个片子。我向来痛恨使用阴谋诡计的心怀叵测之人,尤其对无辜之人下手!影片最后把悬念留给了我们,谁也不知道那录像带到底坏了没有,当地公开了没有。毕竟坏人都死了。在我看来,那老兵如此技术高超,做事周至,应该会迅速远传备份吧。。 小律师总是会说一句,不行,我得回去,我需要家庭,我有家。而妻子的温暖与信任亦成为他和坏人斗下去的最大**,与这种高科技大制作的电影中,着实是另偶等小辈温暖之处。加分!
没有发挥出的威尔史密斯 以及跟妻子对话中的狗,作为道具使用的很好
principle? There's no principle. Toast to never lie ,cheat , and drink. If you want to lie, lie in your lover's wrist. If you want to cheat, cheat to death, if you want to drink , drink...