去年夏天原名:Last Summer,又名再见童真
During summer vacation on Long Island, three young people--a girl and two guys--become so close that they form a sort-of threesome. When an uncool girl tries to infiltrate the trio's newly found relationship, they construct an elaborate plot that has violent results.
摄影非常美,2个年轻的男孩和1个女孩。有一对很相爱,另一个男孩却想和女孩**,然后男孩疯狂的**了女孩。电影就结尾了。ps: 摄影十分唯美。全片都发生在海滩上,男主半***主泳装。
情节有点悲剧,但怎么就觉得这么美好啊,Barbara Hershey。
I’ve never seen anything like this: the stability of the triangulation; the savagery of humanity revealed in reclusion and under the heat; the bravery/tragedy of the bird that refuses to fly; the Queen of the jungle; the nonconforming girl who retains her dignity; the repressed (or perhaps this one could be told after a sip of the truth serum too?)
Roger Ebert评价很高,可在我看来却没有什么特别之处,全程无法**这部美国青春疼痛电影。传闻拍摄过程中海鸥的脖子意外折断,给Hershey留下心理阴影以至于改姓。“Oh,no,don't be angry with me,mrs.Scarlett”hhh