Richard Attenborough: A Life in Film
A tribute to Lord Richard Attenborough. Narrated by Alan Rickman with contributions from John Hurt, Ben Kingsley and ****. A much-loved figure in British film, Attenborough started his professional life as an actor with leading roles in films such as Brighton Rock and The ***** Escape before forging a career as a film director. His directorial debut was the 1969 anti-war musica...
从In Which We Serve到The ***** Escape,从《多可爱的战争》到《遥远的桥》到《甘地传》到《影子大地》,从RAF飞行员到传奇导演,阿滕伯勒的一生堪称**,而**之中最令人感叹的,是他与夫人那坚固的爱情与婚姻,1945年他们结婚时他22岁,她23岁,这段婚姻将保守彼此余生,近70年!几多人能得到呢?
Anthony Hopkins回忆,拍《影子大地》时RA总是潸然泪下,以至于人们常说:“把这段剪了吧,导演的哭声录进去了”。Ben Kingsley说他最后一次看到RA夫妇,RA朝妻子眨眨眼,然后看着他说:“讨厌”。温暖的小细节,一个真**的演员、制片人和导演……
听到AR的声音说出,seven decades, stroke, lives in the hearts of people who knew him 意外感慨…
片头 Alan Rickman 的声音一出来,估计就已让无数人直飙泪点。The boy chooses safety, and the man chooses suffering. 短短60分钟的片子,讲述家庭与爱情,事业与理想,然而如此完美的人,却在晚年遭受这样的不幸,不禁觉得唏嘘。可惜他的弟弟没有出镜...