Saturday Night Live - Lin-Manuel Miranda/21 Pilots
SNL S42 E02 21 Pilots!!!
林聚聚又帅又甜QAQ 有肥伦和菲**!可是还是太过于zzzq……
这一期质量好高!21 Pilots 现场萌萌哒!
高能一集!Kellyanne Conway那个真的太好笑了。
we are paying em to like us, pay attention to us! how pathetic! kindness and warmth right from the made all the difference. whats funny abt dzyn s him being such a father also such a kid at the same f time. sometimes i dont have a clue who the hell *** lol. its just so effortless for u, all these aura around. can u take me to where u like?
刷推一直看到hamilaton啥的 我还想不是费雯丽很早之前的电影么 原来是最近火的Broadway呀 开场天有趣讽刺trump最新丑闻肯定是加班了哈哈哈
hiphop老师里用了Michelle Pfeiffer危险游戏的梗。噗。。。
开场赞!这期政治梗和stranger things都比较好笑。林漫威和飞行员都挺萌的。
补标。开场曲棒呆,Lin 真的好可爱(捧心