双面女间谍 第二季原名:Alias Season 2,又名A Vingadora season2
Sydney finds herself face-to-face with her long-lost mother, Irina Derevko, whose intentions for her daughter are made chillingly clear. However, Sydney manages to escape and rejoin Jack and Will in their escape from ******. After arriving back in Los Angeles, Sydney continues her search for Vaughn, not knowing if he is dead or alive after being swept away by a wall of water in...
后面的2集 Mike叔竟然出现鸟!真是可爱啊 David Anders 好嗲!Victor Garber 也好养眼
I miss the good old days of alias!
不明白为什么每次都不杀那个戴眼镜的牙医,专门留着给人拨牙呀;伊桑 霍克14集的时候出现了
真是越看越好看了呐 出乎意料之外让人心*口* 只是沃恩太坑爹了吧 你咋就这么样结婚了呐 这不科学好么 zaka很帅
因为这部剧大爱Jennifer Garner!非常好看!