欢快的噪音原名:Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise,
大师应该还是有才的... 不过还是hold着点吧... 装神弄鬼就不好了。
Prophecy! A sun set doesn’t repeat itself, why would I repeat myself?
2024.****@fruityspace 神棍的程度超乎想象,音乐还是很特别,现场一定很炸裂
片段 上海当代艺术博物馆 2024.03.09
they said history repeats itself. History is only His story. You haven’t heard ** story Yet . ** story is not of history, because history repeats itself. Sunrise never repeats itself. nature never repeats itself. I’m **** part of mystery, which is ** story
哥们*化道很有样 有点羡慕这种挥斥方裘(指挥)并自成一派(宇宙观)的领袖气质🤔 根源老伙计们的气质和their 身体一样宽广
mythical narrative 没好好听,光听音乐部分就脚趾蜷缩起来
history is his story, not ** story
“someone call me mister ra, someone call me mister ray, someone call me mister mystery.” 好冷...
Music is a universal language. “Nature never repeats itself, and why should I? ”