The Cut Ups
Burrows演Naked Lunch的片段,这俩小哥关系不一般。音节和运动的关系做得很好,19分钟略显轰炸。
缠在**电影的人际关系网里的一天,本来想写stroboscope,就翻到了Brion Gysin的dreamachine和他的cut up手法。继续看***史料,结果绕着绕着又发现了文学领域cut up**,写**午餐的Burroughs,就觉得他的名字好像下午看到过,最终发现他就是Gysin那位在巴黎的Beat hotel认识的好**!这部发展了cut up手法的片子,第一眼**上了。
看到This feels like a compilation of online meetings with bad connectivity from throughout the pandemic. Burroughs was a prophet. It just needs a couple of additions: "Can you hear me?" and "Am I sharing ** screen?". 笑了
Goodbye. No. Bad. I don't want to look that bloody picture. ★★★
上课老师给看的 有同学说“interesting” 我“..?”
yes? hello yes? hello yes? hello yes? hello