Mysterious deaths happens continuously, at the same time a private detective is waiting for an interesting case. A kid asks the detective to find the murderer of his dog, then he collects clues which are interrelated with the dog's murder. Is the mystery solved by the detective ?
+ 新新邪典电影,可能是属于未来的经典
译名《骁勇神探》 **团伙设计手法也算很严谨了 如果不是遇到这个神探 但是神探没有两个伙伴儿 可能也早死了 团伙里的叔叔知道自己死了没人照顾瘫痪的老婆 索性用枕头捂死了她 团伙里的龙头最后说**没被抓因杀了狗被抓 还说了对不起 真是好讽刺啊 PS. 拍得真的超级无敌啰嗦