铁网金罗原名:The Steel Trap,
A Bank officer discovers a flaw in the U.S. extradition treaty with Brazil and decides to take advantage of it. On Friday, he steals a million dollars from the bank, knowing it won't be missed until the bank opens on the following Monday. He and his wife, who doesn't know what he has done, then take a flight to Brazil. After some difficulties, they get as far as New Orleans, wh...
The United States would not have an extradition treaty in force with Brazil until 1964.
笑死,史上最lame劫匪没有之一。泥马那么一番折腾就是被乱枪打死在街上也不能把钱还回去啊= =不过值得高兴的是Teresa Wright这次总算成功感化了Joseph Cotten,不用为民除害了。
“... but never did the world look so good.”