僵尸谷原名:Valley of the Zombies,
Dr. Maynard (Charles Trowbridge') tells Dr. Terry Evans (Robert Livingston) and his nurse, Susan Drake (Lorna Gray), about the theft of ten pints of blood from his lab. Later, he is visited by Ormand Murks (Ian Keith), a man Maynard had once had committed to an insane asylum and who later died from an operation, and Maynard learns that Murks is an example of living death whose ...
标题也就一嘴带过 实际是伪吸血鬼活死人作怪的故事 演员颇有卡洛夫的神韵 还有不可缺的医生**斗嘴组合档负责来点幽默气氛 就是黑白片的黑夜戏确实看得人眼前一黑 打发时间还行吧