Mickey's orphans ask for a story; Mickey casts himself as Jack in Jack and the Beanstalk. He starts with the climbing of the beanstalk; after evading the giant a few times, he ends up inside a cheese sandwich, and then in the giant's mouth, where he ultimately grabs onto a pipe and gets pulled out by the giant. In the ensuing chase, Mickey launches a pepper bomb to slow the gia...
Giantland (1933):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1kx411Q7zT/?p=108 → 不知道谁把片名翻译成《伟大的土地》?还是那个未被采用的简体中文名《巨人之地》更靠谱。& 给此条目上传了海报。
知道fun and funcy free 是怎么来的了
【补全***计划】 片名翻译有问题,应该是巨人之地 哪里来这么多“小**”?**给崽子们讲故事,改编自【杰克与豆*】 都说老鼠*坏了一锅粥,那这老鼠有没有毁了咖啡 明明是小老鼠闯进了巨人家,最后不仅毁了巨人的家,还把人家的出行工具豆*给烧了