Tomek is 14 and a good student. He's interested in astronomy and plays football to please his father. The only thing is, he lives in a poor little border town plagued by unemployment, whereas across the river lies Germany with all its relative affluence. Tomek meets Marta at a disco and falls in love with her. He starts to think up ways of earning money in order to keep her int...
**/童*的故事 但是发展到后面有点不现实 **突然就变**了..而且他的好友一直对他不错 他的报复心也太吓人了 最后做字幕的看来也怒了 留下一句:what a crap movie 其实总体还行 里面的girlfriend是个***** 让我憎恨 说明电影至少还是拍得让我投入了
为了看《Jestem》的Piotr Jagielski而下了这部电影,可惜下载的版本没有中文字幕,没完全看懂,Piotr基本上就打了个酱油。主角撞到朋友**,一开始不能接受,后来为了钱,尝试了第一次,体验到有钱的快乐后,就难以收手,甚至拉朋友一起去干,最后终于觉悟。不太喜欢主角小男孩的脸,太苦大仇深了。