寻求庇护原名:Run for Cover,又名荒城蕩寇戰(港)
Odd little Western that gets off to a snappy start when a man (Matt Dow) is mistaken as a train robber. After the town's sheriff shoots the kid he's riding with, Dow clears his name and ends up as the new sheriff. He romances a Swedish woman and settles in to a peaceful life only to find that the boy has a few secrets of his own.
卡格尼是我看过最有感染力的男演员 举手投足即可以产生力量 力量即是能量
極喜歡…想等出新修復了重新看但短期內應該不會有…… |看完一口氣補了24部卡格尼。我再次把尼克雷的主演據為己有…你推?我推!
80%叙事比较简单,有关法治,还有人性,最后15%比较有点转折。50年代看看不错的。拍摄地是新墨西哥州Aztec Ruins National Monument
Mélancoliquement inaccoutumé,Run for cover repose pas sur le code du genre.Ray porte à l’écran 1 étrange western où le stéréotype du cowboy laisse place à la sentimentalité protectrice contre 1 monde violent ** corrompu mais la triste destinée semble établie d’avanc