类型: 剧情
导演: 雪莉·克拉克
演员: Jackie Mclean Freddie Redd
更新时间: 11-28 14:16
资源状态: 可播放
药头原名:The Connection,
THE CONNECTION is one of the most vital, fascinating films of the American independent world. Created by a woman director, Shirley Clarke, at a time when they were in very short supply, the film shattered stereotypes in just about every conceivable way. And yet, the film remained unseen for many years. The Connection was a play within a play within a jazz concert. It portrayed ...
一屋子的junkie等待**到来,一个导演带着摄影师记录下这一切,最后导演本**成了瘾君子。 Shirley Clarke的第一部长片,从Jack Gelber的舞台剧改编过来,原作本身就是一场戏中戏独幕剧,搬演到大银幕之后这层拍摄者被摄者的关系变得更复杂值得玩味,确实是一个cinema vérité的绝佳文本。舞台剧观众看到的是台上呈现出来的完整的“片场”景象,而电影观众则是从戏中摄影师的镜头中看到受限的局部,Shirley Clarke利用摄影机的摇移运动、黑屏遮挡向观众提示其隐形的在场,正如戏中导演对junkie们说“一旦被拍摄下来,手就不再是手了”,影像成了特定观察者的“真实”,而演员松弛自然的表演再现了日常的真实。**电影评论协会促成了片子在戛纳的首映,直接启发戛纳第二年开始办**影评人周单元,不过在美国本土上映时遭遇**问题,一波三折。
Cinefan cinema heritage DCP 4K restored 68$ PE post talk with Bryan Chang 港譯:落英繽紛未聞時 本季cinefan top 4 配合psychedelia選片,又一女性導演於影史中被遺忘之傑作 Super low budget. Honesty drug-themed film第四道牆在虛構與現實中危立,真 • jazz age之墮落實錄,舞台劇的鏡頭調度精簡至極,台詞密集到多到gibberish,我們喜愛的即興爵士**在台下就是天天等上電的癮君子,等待牛仔帶貨上門、仿NG片段、入廁所充電、密集式對白表述憎恨與自我意志,見到Freddie Redd在演員列表有種打破次元壁感,彷彿生活畫卷又似仍然拒絕被分類的巔峰之作
Jazz. Existentialism. Film and reality. But what’s with the ending? Some anti-drug propaganda for passing the censorship?
Cinefan五六七月光影珍藏:電影基金會专题 @ M+|喜欢。室内戏/舞台剧电影。片子气质和Jazz非常契合,乍看散漫,实际上很规矩。看的时候一直脑内cast史蒂夫·布西密演那个Leach,太合适了,但其他人都不易对上……有趣。映后提到与The Iceman Cometh的关联。
All that jazz: elaborately written play, shooting, acting, and oc, music(could go further tho). One of the first mocumentaries. Adapted from theatre play yet camera movements & acting are live & natural enough to break chains of three unities. (compared with 群魔, another indoor piece of group play). Shirley Clarke was too ahead her time to get recognized, alas today it looks not as refreshing as it meant 2b.
Waiting for ** Man in bebop. 太飞了…这一堆junkie完全都不像演的,想看这个舞台剧…